Friday, October 2, 2009

Pretty hair...

Lauren doesn't like to have clips or ribbons in her hair, but this past week was a landmark achievement. She went almost half an hour with a little ponytail and ribbon.

We were at our weekly get-together/play date with a couple of friends and Nancy (who's mom to 3yr old Lily, who loves ribbons and flowers in her hair) styled Lauren's hair with a pretty bow. It was so cute and looked so girlie compared to the usual plain look of Lauren's hair...

Nancy would be proud, because I did her hair again today in the same way and she actually wore it for a little while. Of course, she had to be totally distracted while getting it styled and I had to be sure she didn't see herself in the mirror. Oh, and no one could mention it or acknowledge that she looked pretty...that would have been the end really fast. Finally, a couple of hours after having it in, she put her hands up on her head and felt it. That was the was out in mere seconds! Oh was cute while it lasted.


frogglet said...

love the look on her face when she was taking it out, nice try mom. It did look very girly with a ribbon.

Kim said...

Toooo CUTE....
Love the ribbon...
Have a great week...

Kristy said...

Just tooo darn cute!!!!

Love, Kristy

ps That smile makes me smile!!!

a Tonggu Momma said...

But what an adorable 30 minutes. *grin*

Diane and John said...

I can really relate to this. I put a barette in Julia's hair and she even catches a glimpse of herself and it is out. Lauren's cair is really growing nicely...some days are better than others for the ribbons and barrettes